Making the decision to go gray isn’t always an easy one, and the emotions that go along with that decision can be wild at times. Like a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs, you may be feeling a little queasy at first when you ditch the dye. Just remember that it’s only a matter of time before you are seeing things in a new light so be patient as you navigate all the twists and turns.


Choosing to go gray is liberating at first for several reasons. First, you’re no longer committing countless hours and money to the salon. Let’s be honest: there’s plenty of other things you could be doing other than watching your hairdresser slather color all over your head. Second, you are freeing yourself from what’s considered a social norm and no longer feel any pressure to camouflage your roots with hair color just because everyone else is. Give yourself some credit – and hold on tight – because that emotional roller coaster you’re on may take you down the path of doubt.


It’s only natural to want others to react positively and respect your decision to go gray but worrying too much about what everyone thinks can wreak havoc on your mental health. So, prepare yourself ahead of time that people are going to have opinions. Some of those opinions may really hurt your feelings. Try and remember that you can’t control what people think nor is it your responsibility to make them feel better about a decision you made. Just let go and enjoy the ride.


As you head into the next turn, you’re able to catch your breath and smile. You’re happy and having fun. You took control of your fears and are working to overcome them by reminding yourself of all the things that led to this moment. You made the decision to slay your gray and see it as an opportunity rather than something to dread. You’re feeling confident and know your decision was less about what everyone else thinks and more about how you feel.  


Your gray journey is almost over but there are a few more twists to endure. That happiness has faded away and there’s a wave of sadness when you look in the mirror these days. So. Much. Gray. It’s not for the faint of heart. Feeling sad should remind you how far you’ve come. You adapted, accepted, focused, persevered, and grew. Acknowledge your sadness and give yourself some grace. Some days are harder than others. They, too, will pass. 


Oh, the thrill of it all! You took the ride…and survived. Welcome to the gray hair club! You may be feeling a bit sassy, and the newfound confidence that comes with your look may be as shocking to some as your newly grown-out gray strands. You no longer let anyone dim your shine. Knowing that going gray was a choice, you still get to feel happy, sexy and glamours.  The exhilaration you’re feeling – and your gorgeous glow – made all of it worthwhile.