You have the ring! You said yes to the dress. But if your gray hair has you worried that you’ll be mistaken for the mother of the bride on your wedding day, here are four hairstyles to consider that are perfect for anyone growing out their gray or for those who already have. Just remember choosing your wedding day hairdo should reflect your personality and complement your facial features and gown’s neckline.


Fishtail or French. Taut or loose. You can’t go wrong with braids. This hairstyle is a great option for those of you who are in the process of growing out your gray. Because of their intricate weave, braids help soften the line between the hair that still has dye and the hair that doesn’t. Plus, the different shades of gray add a pop of color and much-needed dimension.

Classic Updo

If you aren’t considering the classic updo, are you even getting married?! This hairstyle pairs well with higher necklines and can be as voluminous as you choose. It turns the attention away from any grow out, allowing your natural beauty to shine. Wear it with or without wispy bangs or sweep them off to the side. Accent with a jeweled headband or pillbox hat.

Curls/Natural Texture

It’s all about being able to look back at your photos and not question why you wore your hair in a style you never had before. If your hair is curly or with natural texture, work with it instead of against it. Your curl pattern can be the perfect camouflage for any harsh demarcation lines as you’re growing out your gray. Embracing what you have may just require a few tweaks, like adding bling with a sparkly tiara or a jeweled barrette that pins one side back to highlight your stunning makeup and jewelry. Don’t forget to use a shine cream or mist and rake it through!

Romantic Soft Waves

There are so many ways to spin this romantic hairstyle! Using a 1.5” curling iron to achieve the soft waves is key. The larger the barrel, the looser the wave. Curl away from your face and in larger sections so that when you brush through them it creates a lovely visual. Your front pieces can be pulled to the back of the head and loosely twisted for a fun focal point. Accent with delicate pearls or rhinestones to reflect light.

So if you’re gray for your big day, make sure the hairstyle you choose is one YOU want. Don’t let anyone or anything ruin your happy day…